Detailed Inspection Service provides a comprehensive report, via email, which indicates major deficiencies and expenditures the Buyer may encounter during the initial years of ownership. The report will enable the property owner to develop a proper maintenance/replacement schedule for all the systems and components pertaining to the property.

The report shall conform to all of the laws of the State of Michigan and to the Standards of Practice of the American Society of Home Inspectors.


• Landscaping – effects on the foundation.

• Gutters/Downspouts – general condition, effects of dampness in the basement and its ability to carry off rainwater.

• Siding/Trim/Exterior Windows & Storms

• Roof – evidence of water penetration and condition on shingles.

• Chimney/Flashings/Valleys – type of material and general condition.

• Driveways/Patios/Decks

• A/C Compressor


• Attic – visible roof sheathing, ventilation, insulation, and framing.

• Plumbing – all visible fixtures, pipes, and drains are tested for operation.

• Electrical – outside entrance wiring, service panel and visible wiring are inspected.

• Heating System – visible portion of heating plant and components.

• Walls/Floors/Ceilings

• Basement – foundation soundness and evidence of moisture penetration.

Additional Service

• Commercial Inspections

• Certified Electrical Inspections

• Radon Inspections

• Home Warranty Available on Systems and Appliances

It is important for home inspections to be performed by a professional, licensed and insured home inspector. John Meyers has over 25 years of experience in home inspections, commercial inspections and municipal inspections. If you have any questions, check our FAQ page or give us a call at any time. Detailed Inspection Service provides home inspections Monday through Saturday.